- 银行机房系统概述 (Overview of e-government system of computer room)
The power equipment in bank computer system includes: low voltage automatic switching system, low voltage distribution system, lightning protection and grounding system, AC uninterrupted power supply system, environmental control system, power equipment and environmental monitoring system. Some parts of DC power transmission in e-government system of computer room also need the DC uninterrupted power supply system.
The power equipment in bank computer system includes: low voltage automatic switching system, low voltage distribution system, lightning protection and grounding system, AC uninterrupted power supply system, environmental control system, power equipment and environmental monitoring system. Some parts of DC power transmission in e-government system of computer room also need the DC uninterrupted power supply system.
- 典型的银行机房原理图(见图1)
Typical bank computer system layout (see figure 1)

图1 典型电子政务机房布局图
低压自动切换系统 (Low voltage automatic switching system)
数据设备 (Data equipment)
交流不间断电源系统 (AC UPS)
低压配电系统 (Low voltage power distribution system)
空气调节系统 (Air conditioning)
直流不间断电源系统 (DC UPS)
动力设备及环境监控系统 (Power equipment and environmental monitoring system)
机房环境低压配电系统 (Environmental low voltage power distribution system)
市电输入 (AC input)
备用输入 (Backup input)
防雷及防浪涌系统 (Lightning protection and anti surge system)

图1 典型电子政务机房布局图
低压自动切换系统 (Low voltage automatic switching system)
数据设备 (Data equipment)
交流不间断电源系统 (AC UPS)
低压配电系统 (Low voltage power distribution system)
空气调节系统 (Air conditioning)
直流不间断电源系统 (DC UPS)
动力设备及环境监控系统 (Power equipment and environmental monitoring system)
机房环境低压配电系统 (Environmental low voltage power distribution system)
市电输入 (AC input)
备用输入 (Backup input)
防雷及防浪涌系统 (Lightning protection and anti surge system)
- 银行机房典型布局图(见图2)
Typical bank computer system layout (see figure 2)

图2 典型电子政务机房电气原理图

图2 典型电子政务机房电气原理图
- 空气调节系统 (Air conditioning system)
金融中心空气调节系统分为:(The bank computer center of air conditioning system is divided into)
精密空调容量选择:(The Selection of precision air conditioning’s capacity)
The precision air conditioning system for computer room is used in data room and power room which provide precise control of constant temperature and humidity environment and ensure the normal operation of equipment.
舒适空调及新风系统,用于监控室、工作区等,主要为工作人员提供一个舒适的工作环境。世界最早研制和生产机房精密空调的厂家,在1964 年研制出世界第一台恒温恒湿精密专用空调,开创了世界机房精密空调的先河。今天,在全球提供的机房精密空调超过20 万套,保护全球各地重要设备的安全可靠运行。
Comfortable air-conditioning and ventilation system are used for control room and work areas which mainly provide a comfortable environment for the staff. The company is the first world's company to research and produce the precision air conditioning. In 1964 it developed the first world's constant temperature and humidity air conditioner becoming the world precedent of precision air conditioning. Today, the company provided more than 200000 sets of precision air conditioning in the global market for computer room and the protection of the safe and reliable operation of important equipment all over the world.
银行机房应用场合,通常主机房面积<200m*m,建议选用Himod 系列机房精密空调。
The room of bank that the housing area is less than 200m2 is suggested the use of Himod series.
Himod series is made for the data center, communication room, and computer room. The refrigerating capacity range is from 20kW to 101kW, and the module can be combined flexibly that fully meets the requirements of high standards.
精密空调容量选择:(The selection of precision air conditioning’s capacity)
精密空调容量选择:(The Selection of precision air conditioning’s capacity)
The precision air conditioning system for computer room is used in data room and power room which provide precise control of constant temperature and humidity environment and ensure the normal operation of equipment.
舒适空调及新风系统,用于监控室、工作区等,主要为工作人员提供一个舒适的工作环境。世界最早研制和生产机房精密空调的厂家,在1964 年研制出世界第一台恒温恒湿精密专用空调,开创了世界机房精密空调的先河。今天,在全球提供的机房精密空调超过20 万套,保护全球各地重要设备的安全可靠运行。
Comfortable air-conditioning and ventilation system are used for control room and work areas which mainly provide a comfortable environment for the staff. The company is the first world's company to research and produce the precision air conditioning. In 1964 it developed the first world's constant temperature and humidity air conditioner becoming the world precedent of precision air conditioning. Today, the company provided more than 200000 sets of precision air conditioning in the global market for computer room and the protection of the safe and reliable operation of important equipment all over the world.
银行机房应用场合,通常主机房面积<200m*m,建议选用Himod 系列机房精密空调。
The room of bank that the housing area is less than 200m2 is suggested the use of Himod series.
Himod series is made for the data center, communication room, and computer room. The refrigerating capacity range is from 20kW to 101kW, and the module can be combined flexibly that fully meets the requirements of high standards.
精密空调容量选择:(The selection of precision air conditioning’s capacity)
- 服务器/数据设备室估算:在一个中型的金融机房中,数据设备室通常的面积小于200 平方,在数据设备、机房的建筑热量没有确定下来之前,可以按照金融机房通用的估计方法进行机房空调制冷量的预估:500w~600w/平方米,部分高容量机房达到800w/平方米。例如数据室的面积为200平方米,则所需的制冷量约为:100kw。选用2 台单机制冷量58.7kw 的55UA 空调,总制冷量为117.4kw,满足要求。为保证设备的工作可靠性,增加一台冗余机组,共3 台。当机房设备、维护结构确定后,对设备的发热量、维护面积的热量核算,调整空调的配置。
Estimation of the server / data equipment in the room: in a medium-sized financial machine room, the data equipment in the room is usually smaller than 200m2. If the heat of the data equipment and room in the building is not finalized, it can estimate the refrigeration quantity of air conditioning in accordance with the method to estimate the general financial room: 500W ~ 600w/m2, part of the high capacity room up to 800w/m2. For example, the data room area of 200m2, the requirement of cooling capacity is about: 100kw. It could use 2 single units with the refrigerating capacity of 58.7kw which is total 117.4kw refrigerating capacity to meet the requirements of. In order to ensure the working reliability of the equipment, adding a redundant unit, a total of 3 units, is necessary. When the equipment and maintenance of the structure is determined, the quantity of heat for the equipment and maintenance area is calculated to adjust the configuration of air conditioner.
舒适空调选择:(The selection of air conditioning)
If there is no installation of central air-conditioning in the building, the cabinet of common air conditioner or household central air conditioning is suggested to use in order to provide a comfortable environment for the staff and its capacity according to the area of choice.
舒适空调选择:(The selection of air conditioning)
If there is no installation of central air-conditioning in the building, the cabinet of common air conditioner or household central air conditioning is suggested to use in order to provide a comfortable environment for the staff and its capacity according to the area of choice.
- 电池室:为保障电池的性能,电池室的温度必须在20-25 度之间,建议选用2台3P 柜式空调,两台空调轮流工作。
The battery chamber: In order to protect the performance of the battery, the temperature must be between 20-25 degrees in the battery chamber. It is suggested the use of 2 sets of 3P air conditioning, two air conditioning units to work by turns.
- 监控室、工作区等:根据面积选择空调大小和型号。
Control rooms, work areas: selection of the air conditioning according to the size and type.
- 空气调节系统 (Air conditioning system)
Himod series is designed for computers, servers, switches and other key equipment. It has high reliability, excellent performance and easy maintenance for a variety of small, medium to large room or data center that provides the perfect temperature and humidity control to ensure the reliability of sensitive electronic equipment.
Himod series is designed for computers, servers, switches and other key equipment. It has high reliability, excellent performance and easy maintenance for a variety of small, medium to large room or data center that provides the perfect temperature and humidity control to ensure the reliability of sensitive electronic equipment.
- 特点:(advantage)
设计方式: (design)
Large air flow, take away the heat machine. Evaporation of high temperature (140C), a small temperature drop, the higher the efficiency of the compressor, effective ratio as high as 96.8%, such as basic as wet cooling;
A full closed rotary compressor has high efficiency, low noise, less leakage and less maintenance (compared with semi closed or piston compressors).
Evaporator with non stick water coating surface treatment technology improves the heat exchange more directly and efficiently, and the energy efficiency ratio is up to 1:4.
Large area of evaporator realizes the low wind speed and low pressure drop.
Small area saves the valuable space. All frontal maintenance allows that equipment can be placed against the wall. The original radial direct wind located in the central of air conditioning and the plenum noise located in the lower of air conditioning, avoids the airflow of fan that is arranged at the bottom blowing directly to the ground caused by air turbulence.
Pressure is adjustable in the field with the ranging from 20Pa to 350Pa to meet a variety of airflow.
To compare with belt type fan, the transmission is more efficiently – loss negligible, low noise and less vibration, less maintenance - not necessarily periodic replacement of the belt and the necessary belt adjustment. The belt grinding dust will flow (extremely harmful to the machine and personnel) into the room.
The advantage of electrode type humidifier is high efficiency which is over than 90% and high humidity control precision that has fast response time to adapt to the general water quality.
Comparison of infrared humidifier, the infrared humidifying efficiency is lower than 60% and has slow response time. The replacement parts of infrared humidifier are very expensive and there are certain requirements on water quality.
Comparison of ultrasonic humidification, the ultrasonic humidification is generated aerosol on equipment and easy to cause harmful bacteria.
单元化设计:(modular design)
It has more efficient operation. Because the heating parts inside the machine (compressor, humidifier, etc.) are isolated with air tunnel, the heat transfer is reached to the minimum.
It can be maintained when the machine is in operation. The air tunnel is isolated with parts of unit;
The air outlet is designed as the plenum to reduce air flow disturbance and the noise index. The new controller is used the HIROMATIC (intelligent graphics controller).
User friendly human-machine dialogue function provides the intuitive status of operation and precision control of temperature and humidity.
Provide 20 to 60 pages of status report; low power operation automatically executes the night and holidays for energy saving and prolong the service life of equipment; up to 128 network is convenient for computer monitoring.
Large air flow, take away the heat machine. Evaporation of high temperature (140C), a small temperature drop, the higher the efficiency of the compressor, effective ratio as high as 96.8%, such as basic as wet cooling;
A full closed rotary compressor has high efficiency, low noise, less leakage and less maintenance (compared with semi closed or piston compressors).
Evaporator with non stick water coating surface treatment technology improves the heat exchange more directly and efficiently, and the energy efficiency ratio is up to 1:4.
Large area of evaporator realizes the low wind speed and low pressure drop.
Small area saves the valuable space. All frontal maintenance allows that equipment can be placed against the wall. The original radial direct wind located in the central of air conditioning and the plenum noise located in the lower of air conditioning, avoids the airflow of fan that is arranged at the bottom blowing directly to the ground caused by air turbulence.
Pressure is adjustable in the field with the ranging from 20Pa to 350Pa to meet a variety of airflow.
To compare with belt type fan, the transmission is more efficiently – loss negligible, low noise and less vibration, less maintenance - not necessarily periodic replacement of the belt and the necessary belt adjustment. The belt grinding dust will flow (extremely harmful to the machine and personnel) into the room.
The advantage of electrode type humidifier is high efficiency which is over than 90% and high humidity control precision that has fast response time to adapt to the general water quality.
Comparison of infrared humidifier, the infrared humidifying efficiency is lower than 60% and has slow response time. The replacement parts of infrared humidifier are very expensive and there are certain requirements on water quality.
Comparison of ultrasonic humidification, the ultrasonic humidification is generated aerosol on equipment and easy to cause harmful bacteria.
单元化设计:(modular design)
It has more efficient operation. Because the heating parts inside the machine (compressor, humidifier, etc.) are isolated with air tunnel, the heat transfer is reached to the minimum.
It can be maintained when the machine is in operation. The air tunnel is isolated with parts of unit;
The air outlet is designed as the plenum to reduce air flow disturbance and the noise index. The new controller is used the HIROMATIC (intelligent graphics controller).
User friendly human-machine dialogue function provides the intuitive status of operation and precision control of temperature and humidity.
Provide 20 to 60 pages of status report; low power operation automatically executes the night and holidays for energy saving and prolong the service life of equipment; up to 128 network is convenient for computer monitoring.
- 多种冷却方式:(multiple cooling mode)
空气冷却系统:(air cooling system)
为了保证整个系统工作的可靠及高效,需根据室外环境温度匹配合适的空气 冷凝器。为了防止在运输过程中潮气及杂物的侵入,机组已经在出厂前预先充注了干燥的氮气。在安装机组时需注意机组的气管和液管,要根据冷凝器的安装距离,选择规格合适且符合制冷要求的铜管。
In order to ensure the whole system is reliable and efficient, according to the outdoor environmental temperature finds suitable matching air condenser. In order to prevent the intrusion of moisture and impurities in the transport process, unit has been in the factory pre filled with dry nitrogen. In the installation of unit should pay attention to set pipe and the liquid pipe, according to the installation distance of the condenser, choose suitable specification and in accordance with the requirements of refrigeration copper tube.
水冷却系统:(water cooling system)
The water condenser is equipped with a water regulating valve installed in the interior of the machine, according to the number of host module and cooling capacity selects appropriate choice of cooling tower.
乙二醇冷却系统:(ethylene glycol cooling system)
As with the water cooling system, condenser is installed inside the unit. Different sets are respectively equipped with independent dry cooler. When the outdoor temperature is below zero Celsius degrees, the ethylene glycol is added into different concentration of water. Each indoor unit can be equipped with a pump and dry cooler, and can also use the "main" machine to replace the use of way.
冷冻水系统:(frozen water system)
The frozen water system is provided with chilled water coil inside the unit. To provide frozen water is as cold source to control the temperature and humidity for computer room.
为了保证整个系统工作的可靠及高效,需根据室外环境温度匹配合适的空气 冷凝器。为了防止在运输过程中潮气及杂物的侵入,机组已经在出厂前预先充注了干燥的氮气。在安装机组时需注意机组的气管和液管,要根据冷凝器的安装距离,选择规格合适且符合制冷要求的铜管。
In order to ensure the whole system is reliable and efficient, according to the outdoor environmental temperature finds suitable matching air condenser. In order to prevent the intrusion of moisture and impurities in the transport process, unit has been in the factory pre filled with dry nitrogen. In the installation of unit should pay attention to set pipe and the liquid pipe, according to the installation distance of the condenser, choose suitable specification and in accordance with the requirements of refrigeration copper tube.
水冷却系统:(water cooling system)
The water condenser is equipped with a water regulating valve installed in the interior of the machine, according to the number of host module and cooling capacity selects appropriate choice of cooling tower.
乙二醇冷却系统:(ethylene glycol cooling system)
As with the water cooling system, condenser is installed inside the unit. Different sets are respectively equipped with independent dry cooler. When the outdoor temperature is below zero Celsius degrees, the ethylene glycol is added into different concentration of water. Each indoor unit can be equipped with a pump and dry cooler, and can also use the "main" machine to replace the use of way.
冷冻水系统:(frozen water system)
The frozen water system is provided with chilled water coil inside the unit. To provide frozen water is as cold source to control the temperature and humidity for computer room.