Discussion on environmental infrastructure room in BCTV development

Discussion on environmental infrastructure room in BCTV development

- 机房环境(机房专用空调解决方案)建设所面临的问题。
The problem facing the construction for computer room environment (the solution for computer room).
At present, many broadcasting room does not use the special air conditioning (often called precision air conditioning, constant temperature and humidity air conditioning), but is widely used the ordinary comfort air conditioning. Compared with the room air-conditioning, comfort air conditioning problems is listed as follows:
At present, many broadcasting room does not use the special air conditioning (often called precision air conditioning, constant temperature and humidity air conditioning), but is widely used the ordinary comfort air conditioning. Compared with the room air-conditioning, comfort air conditioning problems is listed as follows:
- 舒适性空调出风温度过低,会导致在出风口附近空气中的水蒸汽饱和凝结出水滴,对附近的用电设备造成很大危险。
The outlet air temperature for comfort air conditioning is too low, and it results in a steam outlet in the vicinity of the air saturated condensation water droplets and in the vicinity of the electrical equipment caused great danger.
- 舒适性空调风量过小,不适合计算机设备的高热密度的发热特点,无法驱除机房的“热岛效应”。
The air volume for comfort air conditioning is too small, and is not suitable for the heating characteristics of high density of computer equipment. Heat island effect cannot remove in the room.
- 舒适性空调温度调节精度过低,温度调节精度为±3~5℃,温度的波动对设备稳定运行极其不利。
The comfort air conditioning temperature control accuracy is low, and the temperature control precision is ± 3 ~ 5 ℃. A temperature fluctuation is extremely disadvantageous to the stable operation of the equipment.
- 舒适性空调没有湿度控制功能。舒适性空调无法进行湿度控制。没有加湿功能,只能进行除湿,在冬季甚至过度除湿,湿度过低产生的静电极易产生设备故障。
The comfort air conditioning does not have the humidity control function. Comfort air conditioning is not equipped with the humidity control. Not only for dehumidification, humidification function, even in winter over dehumidification, the low temperature generated electrostatic easily that produces equipment failure.
- 舒适性空调过滤能力无法达到机房标准。舒适性空调只具备简单的过滤功能,其过滤器的过滤效果根本无法达到机房的要求。机房专用空调严格按照0.5 微米/升<18,000(B级)设计,配合以每小时30次的风量循环,保障机房洁净。
The comfort air conditioning filter cannot meet the standard for the room. For comfort air conditioning with filtering function, filtering effect of the filter cannot achieve requirements in the room. Computer room air-conditioning is in strict accordance with the 0.5 micron / L <18000 (B) design with 30 times per hour air circulation to ensure the cleanness for security room.
- 舒适性空调在北方地区无法实现低温(室外)运行。一般标称-5℃以下即无法制冷和加热,而机房是发热量很大的区域,即使在冬天也需要对设备进行降温。
The comfort air conditioning cannot realize the low temperature (outdoor) operation in the northern region. Average nominal -5 ℃ cannot refrigeration and heating, but the room is the regional heating of large quantity, even in the winter the need for equipment cooling.
- 舒适性空调维护量大,舒适性空调长期应用在非设计工况下,故障率高,能效比不断下降,越来越耗能。机房专用空调按照全年长期运行设计,维护量小。
The comfort air conditioning maintenance is large. For long-term application at off design conditions the failure rate is high, and the energy efficiency ratio is decreased to cause more and more energy consumption. Room air-conditioning is designed for annual long-term operation, and has small amount of maintenance.
- 舒适性空调在机房内应用,寿命短。在365天/24小时应用的情况下其寿命一般不超过3年(机房专用空调的设计寿命一般为连续运转10年)。
Application of comfort air conditioning in the room has short service life. In the hour of 365 days 24 hours application, the case of life is generally less than 3 years (the design life of special air conditioning in the room generally runs continuously for 10 years).
- 舒适性空调耗电量大,机房专用空调选用的工业等级压缩机能效比高达3.3。而舒适性空调目前业界选用的高等级压缩机能效比约2.9,同时考虑到其他设计差异,如显热比指标,舒适性空调比同容量的机房专用空调多耗电20%-30%,不仅增加使用成本,也浪费能源。
The comfort air conditioning has large power consumption. Computer room air-conditioning uses industrial grade compressor, and the energy efficiency ratio is up to 3.3. High grade compressor energy efficiency ratio for the comfort air conditioning is at present with 2.9, while the other takes into account the design differences, such as the sensible heat ratio index, comfort air conditioning compared with the same volume of computer room air conditioner increases the power consumption of 20%-30%, not only increases the cost, but also a waste of energy.
The problems for comfort air conditioning showing above will affect the safe operation of equipment, and increase the operation cost. Thus, it needs special air conditioner to solve.
The problems for comfort air conditioning showing above will affect the safe operation of equipment, and increase the operation cost. Thus, it needs special air conditioner to solve.
- 机房环境系统建设的基本原则及一体化解决方案 (the basic principle of construction and the solution of integration environmental system)
系统设计原则 (the principle of system design)
- 通用性 (general)
本系统的设计符合相关国家设计标准。(The design of the system meets the design standard of relevant countries.)
- 稳定性 (stable)
所有产品都经过全球主要电信商、数据网长期的运行考验,在业界具有领先的技术、领先的制造和领先的品牌;(All products go through the global major telecom operators and data network for long-term running test. It has leading in manufacture and leading in technology, and leading in the industry brand.)
- 可维护性(maintenance)
主设备采用模块化结构设计,便于故障的维护处理;(It adopts the modular structure design of the main equipment, and the maintenance is convenient for equipment failure.)
- 智能化设计 (smart design)
空调均采用智能化设计,便于远程监控;(Air conditioner adopts the intelligent design, and is convenient for remote monitoring)
- 经济性 (economics)
系统整体设计,可合理设计设备容量,减少设备成本;(The design of the whole system is reasonable design of equipment capacity, and it reduces the cost of equipment)
三、公司的解决方案精髓 (The essence of solutions)
As the world's most complete solution provider for computer room is based on the integration of network energy that is most wide, and the most complete products with independent intellectual property rights on the line. It not only can provide the most complete environmental products for customers, but also provide comprehensive solutions to first-class quality and full range of products from the customer. But, also set up a "customer-centric", perfect customer reception window and management platform, in order to provide the best quality pre-sale, customer service and long-term service for users.
四、机房环境(机房专用空调解决方案)建设推荐案例 (Computer room environment (the solution for special air conditioning) recommended case)
某广电IDC中心机房,建筑面积705.6平方米,层高 4.3米,按照功能的要求分为A区、B区、C区及D区,第一消防分区为A区,第二消防分区为B区、C区及D区。如下图:
A radio IDC center, a building area of 705.6 square meters, 4.3 meters tall, according to the functional requirements is divided into A zone, B zone, C zone and D zone. The first fire partition is for A zone. The second fire partition is for B area, C area and D area. The following diagram:

考虑建筑热负荷及设备(计算机等)热负荷, A区所需冷量不小于210KW, B区、C区及D区所需冷量不小于190KW。在这个方案中,如果考虑应用舒适空调,以5P为例,即使不考虑备份,也需要32套,应用中无法达到IDC机房需要的温湿度、洁净度标准。同样中央空调也无法实现这个IDC机房的空气调节要求。合理的机房专用空调应用及设计方案,才能满足机房环境建设的合理性、安全性、可扩容性。此IDC机房空调方案分析如下:
Considering the building heat load and heat load of equipment (computer), A zone required cold quantity that is not less than 210KW, and B, C and D areas required cold quantity that is not less than 190KW. In this scheme, if we consider the application of comfort air conditioning, taking 5HP as an example, even without taking into account the backup, also need 32 sets, the application cannot achieve the requirements of temperature and humidity and IDC room needs of cleanliness standard. The central air-conditioning also cannot achieve the requirements for IDC computer room air conditioning. Reasonable room for air conditioning applications and design will meet the environmental construction which is reasonable, safety, expansibility. Analysis of the IDC computer room air conditioning scheme are as follows:
三、公司的解决方案精髓 (The essence of solutions)
As the world's most complete solution provider for computer room is based on the integration of network energy that is most wide, and the most complete products with independent intellectual property rights on the line. It not only can provide the most complete environmental products for customers, but also provide comprehensive solutions to first-class quality and full range of products from the customer. But, also set up a "customer-centric", perfect customer reception window and management platform, in order to provide the best quality pre-sale, customer service and long-term service for users.
四、机房环境(机房专用空调解决方案)建设推荐案例 (Computer room environment (the solution for special air conditioning) recommended case)
某广电IDC中心机房,建筑面积705.6平方米,层高 4.3米,按照功能的要求分为A区、B区、C区及D区,第一消防分区为A区,第二消防分区为B区、C区及D区。如下图:
A radio IDC center, a building area of 705.6 square meters, 4.3 meters tall, according to the functional requirements is divided into A zone, B zone, C zone and D zone. The first fire partition is for A zone. The second fire partition is for B area, C area and D area. The following diagram:

考虑建筑热负荷及设备(计算机等)热负荷, A区所需冷量不小于210KW, B区、C区及D区所需冷量不小于190KW。在这个方案中,如果考虑应用舒适空调,以5P为例,即使不考虑备份,也需要32套,应用中无法达到IDC机房需要的温湿度、洁净度标准。同样中央空调也无法实现这个IDC机房的空气调节要求。合理的机房专用空调应用及设计方案,才能满足机房环境建设的合理性、安全性、可扩容性。此IDC机房空调方案分析如下:
Considering the building heat load and heat load of equipment (computer), A zone required cold quantity that is not less than 210KW, and B, C and D areas required cold quantity that is not less than 190KW. In this scheme, if we consider the application of comfort air conditioning, taking 5HP as an example, even without taking into account the backup, also need 32 sets, the application cannot achieve the requirements of temperature and humidity and IDC room needs of cleanliness standard. The central air-conditioning also cannot achieve the requirements for IDC computer room air conditioning. Reasonable room for air conditioning applications and design will meet the environmental construction which is reasonable, safety, expansibility. Analysis of the IDC computer room air conditioning scheme are as follows:
- A区机房采用4 台机房专用空调产品81UA(其中1台备用),单台机组可制冷量为.77.3KW,可提供总冷量为309.2KW ;B区、C区及D区机房采用4 台65UA机组(其中1台备用),单台机组可制冷量为66.6KW,可提供总冷量为266.4KW,以上推荐配置机组均能完全满足机房冷负荷的要求,并均实现3+1备份,任意机组故障或维护,其它机组正常工作,保障系统安全性。
Zone A with 4 special air-conditioning products of 81UA (including 1 spare), single unit refrigerating capacity of 77.3KW; can provide cooling capacity of 309.2KW. Zone B, C, and D with 4 units of 65UA (of which 1 standby), single unit refrigerating capacity of 66.6KW, can provide the total cooling capacity of 266.4KW. Above the recommended configuration unit can fully satisfy the cooling load requirements, and achieve 3+1 backup, any fault or maintenance, normal operation of other units, to protect the system security.
- 空调机组采用下送风形式,单机送风风量为 15680 立方米/h,主用机组工作实现IDC机房换气次数30.96次,符合IDC机房设备换热特点以及风量设计要求。
Air conditioning with air supply, air supply volume of 15680 cubic meters of single /h, the main unit of work realizes the IDC room air exchange of 30.96 times. It meets the IDC computer equipment heat transfer characteristics and air flow design requirements.
- 室外冷凝器按当地照室外环境温度配置;
The configuration of outdoor condenser is based on the environment of outdoor temperature.
- 空调机组通过智能通讯接口,直接接入环境监控系统实现远程及本地监控。
Air conditioning through the intelligent communication interface, directed access environment realizes remote and local monitoring.
- 空调机组自带漏水报警器,对机组附近可能发生的漏水情况进行实时监测及报警。
Air conditioner with water leakage alarm provides the water leakage alarm occurring near the unit and the real-time monitoring.
- 空调机组严格按照标准机房空调环境条件要求进行设计,满足恒温恒湿、噪音、洁净、供电、抗电磁干扰及A级安全等级的要求。
Air conditioning is in strict accordance with the standards of computer room air conditioning environment designed to meet the requirements of constant temperature and humidity, noise, clean, power supply, anti electromagnetic interference and level A of security.
After implementing this program, the computer room environment control is good and stable operation of the equipment.
The above recommended scheme and example is the integration of Hiross according to the current development status of radio and TV industry related experience and future trends in the internet industry with our proposed solution to the current radio and television industry development put forward new requirements for environment system construction and implementation of room instance and application in electric industry wide customers.
After implementing this program, the computer room environment control is good and stable operation of the equipment.
The above recommended scheme and example is the integration of Hiross according to the current development status of radio and TV industry related experience and future trends in the internet industry with our proposed solution to the current radio and television industry development put forward new requirements for environment system construction and implementation of room instance and application in electric industry wide customers.