Low operative cost
The condensing temperature is very practical and economical design within the wet bulb temperature of 8.3 ℃, the evaporative condensing saves at least 10% power consumption compared with the cooling tower and the condenser system, and 30% power consumption compared with the air-cooled condenser system. The power consumption for the evaporative condensing fan is the same as for the cooling tower and the condenser system and about 1/3 compared with the air-cooled condenser fan under the same specification. Due to the pump for low lift and reduce the flow of water, the power for the pump is about 25% compared with the power for the cooling tower and the condenser system.
冷 凝温度在湿球设计温度8.3℃以内是非常实际和经济的,其结果是压缩机功率比其它的冷却塔/冷凝器系统节省至少10%的功耗,并且比风冷式冷凝器系统节省 30%的功耗,风机的功率与冷却塔/冷凝器系统的风机消耗的功率相当,并且大约是相同规格的风冷式冷凝器风机功率的1/3。由于泵的扬程较低和水流量的降 低,水泵的功率大约是普通的冷却塔/冷凝器系统中所需要的水泵功率25%。
Energy saving and environmental protection
Evaporative condenser integrates the cooling tower, the condenser, the circulating water tank, the circulating pump and the pipe. Thus it reduces the cooling tower, water circulating pump, pipe, and other equipments. It also reduces the fee of installation and processing for thecooling tower and the condenser system. Because of the high efficiency by using the evaporative cooling heat transfer mode, it can effectively reduce the area of heat transfer, number of fans, and the power for the fan motor.
蒸 发式冷凝器把冷却塔、冷凝器、循环水池、循环水泵和水管综合为一体,这样减少了冷却塔、循环水泵和水管等设备,也减少了冷却塔/冷凝器系统中处理与安装单 个元件的费用。由于蒸发式冷凝器高效率地利用蒸发式冷却换热方式,所以能有效地减少换热面积、风扇的数量和风机电机功耗。
Space saving
Evaporative condenser saves valuable space by integrating the condenser coil and cooling tower, and there is no need for the cooling tower and the condenser system that require large pump and pipeline. Evaporative condenser requires only that is about 50% windward area of the air cooling condenser.

This chart is for reference only, the new design of components and structures for the unit will change depending on the actual situation.